Employers wishing to participate in Salvus Master Trust

Employers can request to join Salvus Master Trust here.

Sign up

On receipt of a valid participation request for a new employer, a participation agreement will be sent to the authorised signatory for the employer, normally within 24 hours. The agreement is electronic using Signable technology, this will confirm the key information that Salvus has been provided, as well as charges, terms and conditions.


Within 2 hours of the electronic agreement being completed login details for the employer contacts will be issued. The unique link to set your password is valid for 48 hours, if this expires follow the reset password process as detailed on the email.

Verify the bank account

All participating employers must contribute via a Direct Debit Instruction (DDI). When logged in a prompt to complete the DDI will be shown. This is the first of two steps to completing the DDI, anyone can complete this step but they will need the bank account information as well as the contact details (name, email and telephone) for the bank account’s authorised signatory. If the bank account requires more than one signatory to authorise DDIs, each required signatory must be provided. On completion of the online process, an electronic DDI will be issued for completion using Signable.

Sign the DDI

When the final signatory has completed the DDI, contribution submissions can start.

The employer record is now complete

Please note these important points regarding auto-enrolment compliance before proceeding further:

  • Unless the employer has obtained agreement from Salvus in advance, auto-enrolment compliance will be completed in payroll
  • Employers need to issue enrolment communications, templates are available from The Pensions Regulator here, both the enrolment letter and ‘insert to accompany...’ documents must be sent when enrolling an employee 
  • Information about Salvus Master Trust is required in addition to these letters, this information forms part of the required communications so must be provided to employees when being enrolled:
  • Additional information is available in the Step by Step guide issued with the activation emails

If you are ready to submit payroll data, please see our data templates
